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Q: What is the term for periodic payment to keep insurance policy in force?
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What is a single pay whole life insurance policy?

A single pay whole life insurance policy is a permanent life insurance policy that requires a one time payment/premium. The policy is guaranteed to stay in force until age 121 (in USA) and no additional premiums need to be paid.

How I can check policy status?

I assume you mean how can I check if the policy is in force, in danger of lapsing, or cancelled for lack of payment. I would simply call your agent and/or the insurance company's customer service.

How i check my policy status?

I assume you mean how can I check if the policy is in force, in danger of lapsing, or cancelled for lack of payment. I would simply call your agent and/or the insurance company's customer service.

How can i check my policy status?

I assume you mean how can I check if the policy is in force, in danger of lapsing, or cancelled for lack of payment. I would simply call your agent and/or the insurance company's customer service.

Do you get paid if you cancel your life insurance?

No you would not. Insurance is only applicable as long as the policy is in force and is VALID. Once the policy gets cancelled either due to non payment of premium or because you want to cancel it, all benefits of the insurance policy become null and void. You would not get any benefits out of it after that date.

What is force-placed or lender-placed insurance?

A Bank or Mortgage company requires that the borrower maintain "hazard" insurance and list them as an additional insured. The "hazard" insurance is a homeowners or dwelling fire policy. If they do not receive proof of insurance coverage or if they receive a cancellation from the insurance carrier they will secure coverage on your behalf to "protect their interest" . This policy is usually a Fire Policy that Only covers the Bldg for the amount of the loan. It will not provide coverage for personal property or liability. The premium is high and they will simply increase the mtge payment to escrow the payment for this policy.

Is insurance coverage valid if the insured did not make a payment to finalize the policy before an accident occurred?

In most cases, no. There's usually a waiting period after they receive the payment * Agreed, if the policy was not in force at the time of the accident the insurer is not liable for paying damage claims.

How long can an insurance policy stay active without payment?

As long as we pay our dues on time the policy remains in force. The moment we stop paying our premiums the policy lapses and the insurance cover provided by the policy becomes nullified. A lapse occurs when premiums are not paid even during the grace period. The life cover continues during the grace period whose duration varies based on the type of policy and premium payment frequency

Does a currently in force life insurance policy become void if the owner of the life insurance policy dies?


Need insurance that will cover inmates in prison?

It will be difficult to get a policy that will cover, but a life insurance policy in force before incarceration should stay in force.

What does sr22 insurance?

An SR22 will notify the state if your insurance policy is not in force for some reason.

Can the person who used there credit card cancel your car insurance or is that only the policy holder that can do this?

The person who is the policyholder is the only one who can request a cancellation of the policy. If however, payments are being made monthly or quarterly to a credit card they can stop the payments and the policy will cancel for non-payment. You will receive a notice of cancellation and have the opportunity to change to a different form of payment to keep the policy in force.