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Dialysis is artificial removal of wastes by an external device - not the kidney. Filtration is removal of wastes by the kidney.

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Q: What is the process by which toxins and other wastes are actively removed by the kidney called?
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What is the process called where urea and other waste materials are removed from the blood during kidney dialysis?

The process is called hemodialysis. Blood is filtered through a machine that acts as an artificial kidney, removing waste products and excess fluids. The purified blood is then returned to the body.

What materials removed from the kidney?

Materials removed from the kidney during the process of filtration include waste products such as urea, excess salts, toxins, and water. These are eliminated from the body as urine.

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Only your doctor could determine if you need to have a kidney removed.

What is the main toxic waste in blood filtered by kidney?

he main toxic waste filtered by kidney from blood is urea that is removed in the form of dilute solution called urine.

The process of filtration takes place in a structure called the?

It takes place in a part of the kidney called the nephron.

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The kidney stones must be removed as they are very painful, and cause serious harm to the body .

What procedure describes the freeing of a kidney from adhesion?

The procedure for freeing a kidney from adhesion is called adhesiolysis. During this surgical procedure, the adhesions around the kidney are carefully cut and removed to free the kidney from any attachments or restrictions. Adhesiolysis helps restore the proper function and mobility of the kidney.

Which structure of the kidney actually carries out the purification process?

The basic filtering unit is called a nephron.

What is removed during a simple nephrectomy?
