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Because hepatitis is a condition and can only be singular it can only be refered to as such.

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Q: What is the plural of hepatitis?
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Does the word hepatitis have a plural or singular form?

Type your answer here... Hepatitides

The type of hepatitis caused by contaminated food?

It is called infective hepatitis or hepatitis A

Is alcoholic hepatitis the same as hepatitis C?

no alcoholic hepatitis not same as hepatitis c

What pathogens cause hepatitis b?

The causative agent for Hepatitis B is Hepatitis B virus.

What does the word hapetitis means?

do u mean hepatitis?this is irritation of the liver that can cause permanent damage sometimes. hepatitis may be caused by viruses or by medicines or alcohol. Hepatitis comes in various forms eg hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E...hope that helped Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver.

What is spanish word for hepatitis?

The Spanish word for hepatitis is [la] hepatitis.

What is Hepatitis B Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is the worst and the most dangerous type of hepatitis. Vincent Dublin

What organ is inflamed by hepatitis?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. So it is the liver which get inflammation in hepatitis. It gets enlarged in hepatitis.

What is hepatitis E?

Hepatitis E is a viral hepatitis that mainly caused by infection.

Is hepatitis A a virus or bacteria?

Hepatitis is inflammation in the liver caused by the virus hepatitis B.

What is the virus causing hepatitis?

The hepatitis virus is actually named that particular virus for which it refers to. For example, the virus for hepatitis B is called the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and the virus for hepatitis C is called hepatitis C virus (HCV), and so on.

What are three pathogens spread by blood and body fluids?

Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and AIDS