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Q: What is the plural formation of vertabra?
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Is the word formation a singular noun?

Yes the word formation is a singular noun. The plural noun is formations.

What is the medical term meaning inflammation of a vertabra?

Spondylitis means inflammation of a vertebra.

What is plural spelling for goose?

The plural form of the noun goose is geese.The plural possessive form is geese's.Example: A geese's formation passed over our heads.

What is the plural of pantheress?

Pantheresses. It is a perfectly standard formation: words whose singular ends with a double 's' form their plural by adding 'es'.

What locations would have a pivotal joint?

A pivot joint is located between the skull and the first vertabra

What is the plural possessive noun of squirrel?

The plural form is squirrels; the plural possessive form is squirrels'.

What is vertabra?

The first vertebrae is called The Atlas.The second is the Axis, which allows the neck/head to pivot(turn).

Where is t1 on the spine?

T1 is an abbreviation for Thoracic vertabra number 1. The spine has 7 bones in the neck, called cervical vertabae, and numbered C1 to C7. Below them are the twelve thoracic vertebrae, numbered T1 to T12. Each thoaracic vertabra is attached to a set of ribs. In fact, the definition of a thoracic vertabra is that it articulates with a set of ribs. So T1 is the first spine bone connected to the uppermost set of ribs, just below the base of the neck.