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Q: What is the opposite of the word immaculate?
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Related questions

What is a word starting with an i that means the opposite of dirty?

One word would be "immaculate" (spotlessly clean).

What part of speech is the word immaculate?

Immaculate is an adjective.

What is an example sentence for the word immaculate?

Her immaculate kitchen could put an operating room to shame.

Use word immaculate in a sentence?

When the family entered the hotel room, they found it tidy and immaculate. In the immaculate bedroom, everything was in place and nothing was out of order.

What is the comparative and superlative form of the word clean?

cleaner, cleanest

What is the Hebrew word for immaculate?

"immaculate" or "clean" = naki (נקי) But if you mean "virginal", it's betuli (בתולי)

How will you use the word immaculate in a sentence with context clues?

I will use it like this; It doesn't matter what he wears he always looks immaculate.

Can you give me a sentence for the word immaculate?

Susan was obsessed with cleaning, she kept her kitchen immaculate. --- The immaculate conception is still a topic of debate among theological scholars. --- Her radiant beauty was an immaculate crown that far out shown the gown she was wearing for the fashion show.

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What word would not appear on the page with these guide words immaculate immutable?


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What is a opposite word for the word word?

The opposite of anything is it's absence. Silence would be the opposite of a word spoken.