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"Resemblance" is the noun form for the verb resemble.

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Q: What is the noun for resemble?
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Related questions

What is an abstract noun for resemble?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to resemble are resemblance and the gerund, resembling.

What is the abstract nouns for resemble?

The abstract noun form of the verb to resemble is resemblance.

What part of speech is resemble?

The word resemblance is a noun.

What is the noun of resemble?

The noun is "resemblance"; it means to look like or be similar in appearance. For example: Although she is not at all famous, many people say she has a strong resemblance to Oprah Winfrey.

What noun acts as an adjective in this sentence Baby seahorses resemble adults at birth but take many months to mature?


What is a sentence with the word resemble in it?

The suspects resemble an old style gang.The photos of the older couple resemble my parents.Two possible sentences for 'resemble' would be:Although in the same Order of animals, a koala and a wombat do not resemble each other at all.I have been told that I resemble my brother in appearance.

What part of speech is the word resemble?

The word resemble is a verb. The past tense is resembled.

What is resemble?

Resemble means to look alike or look the same.

What is the abstract noun for similar?

Similar is not a noun, it is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; for example similar outfits, similar tastes, similar backgrounds, etc.The noun form for the adjective similar is similarity.

What does resemble mean in Spanish?

Resemble in Spanish is: parecerse. Example: Te te pareces a tu padre. (You resemble your father.)

Does a wasp resemble its parents?

it is possible that a wasp can resemble its parents because of genetics. if a child can resemble its parents, it will be possible that a wasp can resemble its parents. it might not be physical but possible it its genetic coding.

Use resemble in a sentence?

The two siblings resemble each other so much that they are often mistaken for twins.