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Q: What is the name of the procedure that uses a long needle inserted between the ribs to obtain pleural fluid for diagnostic purposes?
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What is the difference between a diagnostic procedure and a therapeutic procedure?

diagnostic procedure discovers whats wrong, and therapeutic procedure treats whats wrong

What is the difference between a therapeutic procedure and a diagnostic procedure?

diagnostic procedure discovers whats wrong, and therapeutic procedure treats whats wrong

Where is a lumbar puncture done?

A needle is inserted, usually between L4 and L5 (the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae), into the epidural space (below the level of the spinal cord), withdrawing spinal fluid for diagnostic purposes.

Where along the vertebral column is a needle inserted for a lumbar puncture?

A lumbar puncture is typically performed in the lower back, between the third and fourth or fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. This location allows for the needle to be inserted into the subarachnoid space to collect cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic purposes.

What diagnostic test removes cerebrospinal fluid with a needle?

A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is a diagnostic test that removes cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal canal using a needle inserted between the lumbar vertebrae. This procedure can help diagnose various neurological conditions such as infections, bleeding, and inflammatory diseases affecting the brain and spinal cord.

Which body cavity the needle to be inserted in spinal tap?

The needle in a spinal tap is inserted into the subarachnoid space within the spinal column, which is part of the central nervous system. This is typically done in the lower back region, between two lumbar vertebrae, to access the cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

What is a Thoracentesis?

Thoracentesis is a medical procedure where a needle is inserted through the chest wall to remove fluid or air from the space between the lungs and the chest wall (pleural space). This procedure is commonly done to help diagnose and treat conditions such as pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or to relieve symptoms such as shortness of breath.

What is the relationship between procedural coding and diagnostic coding?

the charges that a doctor will charge for a specific procedure or diagnosis, that will be on your next medical bill

What is endoscopic fenestration?

In this procedure a small, flexible viewing device, called an endoscope, is inserted into the brain and an opening is made between the third and fourth ventricles or in the foramina at the base of the brain

Why is it important to know the difference between a diagnostic suffix and procedural suffix?

It is important to distinguish between diagnostic and procedural suffixes as they help to indicate the purpose of the medical term. Diagnostic suffixes typically describe a condition or disease, while procedural suffixes indicate a specific medical procedure or intervention. Understanding this difference can improve communication between healthcare professionals and ensure accurate documentation and treatment.

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What is the difference between proficiency test and diagnostic test?

what is the difference between proffiency and diagnostic test