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Q: What is the more common term used to refer to the clavicle?
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What is the more common term for clavicle?

The clavicle is often called the "Collar bone" due to its location at the base of the neck.

What is the main term for fracture of the clavicle?

The main term for a fracture of the clavicle is a broken collarbone. It is one of the most common bones in the human body that get broken easily.

What is the scientific word of collar bone?

The Medical term for the Collar Bone is called the 'CLAVICLE'.The clavicle or the collarbone makes up the top part of the pectoral (shoulder) girdle.

What is the term used to describe the relation of the clavicle to the breast?

The term used to describe the relation of the clavicle to the breast is the "infraclavicular fossa." This anatomical term refers to the area below the clavicle where the breast tissue lies in relation to the collarbone.

SITUATION means clavicle?

? dun understand your question. but a clavicle is a medical term for "collar bones".

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Squid is a common term. There are more derogatory terms, but squid is often used.

What is the scientific name for collarbone?

The human collarbone is the clavicle.

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