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Lymphadenectomy is the medical term meaning surgical removal of a lymph node.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of a lymph node?
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Lymphangitis is inflammation of a lymph vessel.lymphangitis

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A lymph node is an encapsulated mass of lymph tissue.

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What is surgical oncology's most efficacious work?

Local tumor excision, regional lymph node removal, the handling of cancer recurrence (local or widespread), and in rare cases, with surgical resection of metastases from the primary tumor.

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The hilum is the region of lymph tissue in the chest cavity.

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to lymph?

Lymphadenopathy is the general term for disease of the lymph glands.

What is the medical term meaning Inflammation of a lymph gland in the neck region?

The medical term for inflammation of a lymph gland in the neck region is "cervical lymphadenitis."

What is the surgical treatment for breast cancer?

Surgical removal of the tumor must be performed with care and accuracy. The surgeon must avoid overmanipulation of the surgical field. Too much movement within the area can cause cancer cell displacement into surrounding tissue.

What is cutting out a lymph gland called?

removal of a lymph gland