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Neurotomy is surgical incision into a nerve.

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Q: What is the medical term for an incision or cut into a nerve?
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What is the medical term meaning surgical cutting?

The medical term for surgical cutting is "incision." This refers to making a deliberate cut into the body during a surgical procedure.

What is medical term for Incision?

-tom is the medical terminology combining form meaning to cut or incision. For instance, keratotomy is cutting the cornea, and computed tomography is the process of using a computer to make virtual cuts to visualize internal structures.

What is the medical term meaning cutting?

it might be excision as that meant out process.

What is The medical term meaning incision into a vein to withdraw blood?

Venotomy, venesection, phlebotomy or venipuncture is piercing of a vein to withdraw blood. Venous cut-down is incision of a vein in an emergency to insert a tube to give fluids or other medications.

What is the medical term meaning process of cutting?

the ending form is -otomy and the beginning of the word would be the part of the body being cut into. Example cholecystotomy and cholelithotomy are cutting into the gallbladder (usually to remove a gallstone).

What is the medical term meaning a surgical cut that reopened?

Dehiscence is the medical term meaning a surgical cut that reopened.

What is a pentagonal incision?

An incision is a cut into an object, and pentagonal means five sided, so a pentagonal incision would be a five sided cut into an object.

What is the medical term meaning large cut?

a large cut

What is the medical term meaning an incision into or division of a sphincter muscle?

sphincterotomysurgical attachment of a fascia to another fascia or tendonAn incision into or a division of a sphincter muscles is known as a sphincterotomy. Usually reserved for treatment of an anal fissure,sphincterotomysphincterotomyA cut into the muscle that controls the anus. The sphincter is the anus opening.

What combining form means to cut?

The combining form "tom/o" means to cut. This form is commonly used in medical terminology to indicate cutting or incision procedures.

What can be the long term liver damage after surgical accident where liver was cut?

You would have to discuss that with your doctor. We do not know the location of the incision, nor what was damaged. However, assuming that there was no infection, there should be no major long-term functional damage after a minor incision.

What is the medical term ciso?

To cut or remove