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The eponym for those contractions is Braxton-Hicks.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning irregular contractions that begin in the second trimester and intensify as full term approaches?
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Can you have contractions in the first trimester?

No, you shouldn't. Speak to your doctor or midwife about it

Are contractions nomal when pregnant?

only in the last trimester when they prepare the uterus for labor and are called Braxton Hicks contractions.

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In a normal healthy pregnancy, sex is safe for the first two trimesters. However, in the third trimester, it may cause contractions in some women. It may also become more uncomfortable.

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Yes, I had all three of these symptoms during the first trimester.

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Usually at the third trimester.

How many weeks is the trimester?

First trimester: 0-12 weeks (so 12 total) Second trimester: 13-28 weeks (so 15 weeks total) Third trimester: 29 weeks-40 weeks (so 11 weeks total)

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First trimester.

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It is the fourth week of the third trimester.