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Polychezia is a possibility, but polychezia is literally chronic diarrhea.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning frequent runny stools?
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Why is your child having black runny stools?

It could mean he has a colon ulcer.

Give me four facts about diarrhoea?

really random but: makes you have runny stools can cause pain to the bowel can be funny to people can be contagous like a bug

What is the meaning of had the runs?

It means you had diarrhea - runny bowel movements.

When breast feeding a 19 day old is it normal for his stool to be very runny?

It is very common for breast fed babies to have runny stools. In fact, it is perfectly natural and is supposed to happen. The stool will begin to have more consistency after adding solid foods to the baby's diet.

What is the medical definition of runny nose?

Rhinorrhea - most commonly referred to as a "runny nose" - is the symptom of the common cold and allergies (hay fever). It consists of an unusual significant amount of nasal fluid.Your nose can get runny when you have a cold or 'flu. If you are prone to hay fever, you can also get a runny nose when the pollen count is high.

What is the latin word for hydrargyrum?

Latinized Greek: hydrargyrum, from "hydr-" meaning watery or runny and "argyros" meaning silver

What does baveuse mean when cooking an omelette?

It's a French adjective meaning 'runny'.

Is the medical term for hives is rhinitis?

No. Rhinitis is what you would call a "runny nose". Hives are called urticaria.

What is the difference between a poo and diohherea?

Diarrhea is a condition characterized by loose or watery stools, often accompanied by frequent bowel movements, abdominal cramping, and dehydration. "Poo" is a colloquial term for feces that is normally formed and passed without diarrhea symptoms. Diarrhea represents a disruption in normal bowel function, whereas passing a regular formed stool is considered a normal bodily function.

Is runny an adjective?

Yup! Runny is an adjective.

What is the medical term meaning overreaction of the immune system to antigens such as pollen?

The medical term for the overreaction of the immune system to antigens such as pollen is "allergic reaction" or "allergy." This immune response can lead to symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes in individuals with allergies to pollen.

What does runny means?

"Runny" typically refers to a substance that has a thin or watery consistency, such as a runny nose or runny egg yolk. It can also describe something that is leaking or flowing uncontrollably.