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Hemiectromelia is congenital absence of a limb.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning being born without a hand?
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What is the opposite of being born breech?

Being born head first. The medical term is being "vertex."

What is the medical term meaning born with one kidney?

I believe it is called Unilateral Renal Agenesis.

What is the medical term meaning babies born early?

Premature Baby

I am 8 mos along and ate some medical marijuana food without being told will my baby be taken from me after it is born?

If the baby is normal and healthy, no one will be checking for drugs.

What is the medical term for being born with a underdeveloped leg?

birth defect

Are humans being born without an appendix?

There is no evidence to suggest that humans are being born without an appendix. The appendix is a small pouch located near the junction of the small and large intestines, and it serves as a part of the immune system. While some individuals may have their appendix removed due to medical reasons, it is not a common occurrence for people to be born without an appendix.

What is the medical term meaning baby born with feces on them?

Meconium is feces expelled around the time of birth.

What does anacephalic mean?

Anacephalic means being born without a brain or with an underdeveloped brain, leading to severe disabilities or death shortly after birth. It is a rare and serious condition with significant ethical and medical implications.

What is the medical term meaning not born on a predicted date?

Overdue is the word you're looking for, crossword filla lol

Does being born during a thunderstorm have any meaning?

No. It is just coincidence. There is always a thunderstorm going on somewhere, and there is always someone being born somewhere.