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Efferent nerves.
the motor neuron transmits the impulse away from the CNS and to the effector

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Q: What is the medical term meaning Nerves that carry impulses away from the CNS?
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What does nerves control?

the spinal nerves carry impulses between the spinal cord and body parts.

What is the difference between sensory nerve and motor nerves?

Sensory nerves carry impulses to the brain (as sights seen, sounds heard, etc.). Motor nerves carry impulses from the brain to cause the body to do things such as move muscles.

What do the nerves carry to the muscles?

Electrical impulses telling them to contract or relax.

What is function of spinal nerves?

The spinal nerves carry impulses between the spinal cord and the body parts.

What does spinal nerves control?

the spinal nerves carry impulses between the spinal cord and body parts.

Which nerves carry sound impulses from the inner ear of the brain?

The auditory nerve carries auditory impulses to the brain.

What nerve is carrying impulses from the eye to the thalamus?

The optic nerves carry the impulses from the eyes to the visual area of the thalamus.

What are the nerves that carry parasympathetic impulses to the enteric nervous systems?

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What nerve carries impulses away from the brain?

The efferent nerves, also known as motor nerves, carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to control muscles and glands in the body.

What nerves carry impulses to the brain and spinal cord?

Sensory nerves carry impulses from the body to the brain (via the spinal cord), while motor nerves carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands.