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Q: What is the medical term for when both hands perform same action at the same time?
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A person who can use both hands simultaneously performing same action?

Ambidextrous individuals have the ability to use both hands equally well for tasks such as writing or drawing. This can be advantageous in activities like sports or playing musical instruments that require coordination with both hands.

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What does the medical terminology combining form ambi- mean?

Ambi- means both, so ambidextrous, for instance, means capable of using both hands.

What does amdidextrous mean?

Ambidextrous refers to the ability to use both hands equally well. A person who is ambidextrous can perform tasks with either their left or right hand with the same level of skill.

Can a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine write prescriptions and perform medical procedures like a Doctor of Medicine?

Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) can write prescriptions and perform medical procedures just like Doctors of Medicine (M.D.) can. Both are fully qualified physicians.

In hockey what is cross checking?

The action of using the shaft of the stick between the two hands to forcefully check an opponent

What does it mean when you do some stuff with your left hand and other stuff with your right hand?

This could mean that you have different preferences for each hand, or that you are ambidextrous. Ambidextrous individuals can perform tasks equally well with both hands.

Is it possible to write with both hands?

yes you can write with both hands

What is double dribble in basketball?

dribbling with both hands

One who writes with both hands?

A person who can write with both hands is Ambidextorous.

What is the medical term meaning group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion insulin action or both?

Diabetes mellitus

Did rajendra prasad write with both hands?

Yes rajendra prasad can write with his both hands