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The medical name for lockjaw is tetanus. It is caused a toxin secreted by a bacteria that lives in spore form in the soil and on other surfaces.

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Q: What is the medical name for the disease Lockjaw?
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Related questions

Why is tetanus called lockjaw?

Lockjaw is another name for tetanus. They refer to the same disease.

Do ferrets have a lockjaw?

No ferrets do not have lockjaw. Lockjaw refers to tetanus, an infectious disease of the central nervous system

What disease called lockjaw?

Tetanus (TETT-uh-nuss) is also called lockjaw. It is a painful bacterial disease.

What is the medical term meaning lockjaw?

Tetanus is the medical term for the condition commonly known as lockjaw.

What disease is associated with lockjaw?


What is the common name for tetanus?

lockjaw is the same thing***********************

What is lock-jaw?

Lockjaw is another word for the medical condition tetanus. Tetanus is caused by bacteria and causes stiffness in the jaw and neck. The bacteria which causes tetanus is found everywhere and is contracted by touching a contaminated item with a part of your body that is punctured or cut.

What is medical term for the condition commonly known as lockjaw?

The medical term for the condition commonly known as lockjaw is tetanus. It is a serious bacterial infection that affects the nervous system, leading to muscle stiffness and tightening, particularly in the jaw muscles.

Does smoking pot from a soda can give you alzhimers disease?

No..... but you can possibly get lockjaw from the can.

What phobia is the fear of tetanus or lockjaw?

== == Tetanophobia is the name of the phobia related to the fear of tetanus or lockjaw

What is the other name for tetanus?


Can you make a dog release lockjaw?

To release a dog's lockjaw, it's best to seek immediate veterinary help as they have the expertise and tools to safely address this issue. Attempting to open a dog's locked jaw without proper knowledge may cause harm to both you and the dog.