OLE is Object Linking and Embedding.:)
dynamic data exchange
OLE Custom Control
AcitveX Data Object
acitex data object database control
No. You'll have to use an external DLL/VBX. If you see any examples, please tell the newsgroup.
To change the name of a form first load your project and click on that form. Now, under the properties window find "text". Change the value next to it (usually "Form1") to "Hello VB" or what ever name you choose.
I think it is .sln or .vbprojI'm not sure.
How to display data in table form in VB 6.0
A modal form is a form that takes the focus in a program and prevents you from doing anything else or going to any other form until it is first closed. They are commonly seen on computers with error messages or warnings or ways forcing you to have to select an option. VB allows you to show any form as a modal form.
Yes it is possible, most things are in VB
vb or vb