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The definition of the word 'bulged' is to swell or protrude to an unnatural extent. For example, one could say, 'The veins in his neck bulged out, when he was angry.".

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Q: What is the definition of 'bulged'?
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How would use the word bulged in a sentence?

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Why has the ground bulged science 2004?

plate movement

Do not use food from cans that are leaking bulged or?

rotten or coddled

Is the earth slightly bulged at the poles?

Yes, the Earth is slightly bulged at the poles and flattened at the equator due to its rotation. This shape is known as an oblate spheroid. The polar diameter is shorter than the equatorial diameter by about 43 kilometers.

i have a bulged disc with a tear how come doctors can't find a cure for this problem?

The treatment for bulged disc and disc herniation can be clearly noticed in this site

Can you use bulge in a sentence?

The guinea pig's eyes bulged like a telescope.

Would this statement constitute formal or informal diction-the reason Maggie's lower lip bulged is because it was filled with a lot of snuff?

Informal, I suppose, and bad English. Try, "Maggie's lower lip bulged because it was filled with a lot of snuff."

What shape has 1 vertex 2 faces and 1 edge?

A cone or a bulged-out cone.

Your Kitten has a Bulged Rectum with yellow mucous?

You need to take it to a veterinarian. That yellow mucous is probably an infection.

A bulged end of a long bone such as the femur is called?

The bulged end of a long bone such as the femur is called the epiphysis. It contains the growth plate, where new bone growth occurs during development. The epiphysis is important for joint stability and allows for smooth movement between bones.

Is it normal if the bottom of the dick bulges out?

Yes. All dicks have a bulged at the bottom (unless it's super skinny)