The CPT code for barium swallow is 74220. If cineradiography or video assistance is used for a swallowing function study, then 74230 is appropriate.
The CPT code for a barium esophagram is typically 74220. This code is used to bill for a fluoroscopic examination of the esophagus using barium contrast to diagnose conditions such as strictures, hiatal hernias, and swallowing difficulties.
The CPT code for a Barium enema with KUB (Kidneys, Ureters, and Bladder) is 74280.
The ICD-9-CM , v code for visit to radiology department for barium swallow
The specific code for a barium enema with or without a KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder X-ray) would depend on the specific details of the procedure. However, the most commonly assigned code for a barium enema is CPT code 74280. Additional codes may be used for the KUB X-ray if performed. It is important to consult the current version of the CPT code book for accurate and up-to-date coding information.
CPT code 74280 is used to report a barium enema with KUB (kidneys, ureters, and bladder) imaging. This code includes the entire procedure of administering the barium enema and performing the KUB imaging.
you need to know why the barium swallow was performed. can he not swallow?
A barium swallow is often called an upper GI series.
You do not have to swallow an endoscope during a Modified Barium Swallow study, search or test. You consume a small amount of barium-laced liquid, pudding and a cookie. As you drink or chew and swallow them in front of a fluoroscope, a video is made for later study. The barium makes it possible to see your "swallow" in action. Some labs do provide an alternative test that includes placing an endoscope down the nose, but it has a different name.