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Q: What is the compound word for a male with a fine appearance?
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What is the compound word for - A male with a fine appearance?

A compound word for a male with a fine appearance is goodlooking.

What is the compound for a male with a fine appearance?

A compound word for a male with a fine appearance is goodlooking.

What is a good sentence using the word male?

"That is a fine specimen of the 'male' species."

Is physical appearance a compound noun?

Yes, the term 'physical appearance' is a compound noun; a word made up of two or more words to from a noun with a meaning of its own.

Is the word peacock a compound word?

Yes, the word peacock is a compound word made from the words, 'pea' and 'cock', which is the male of the species. The female is called a peahen; they are peafowl.

Does menfolk have a prefix?

No, menfolk is a compound word, combining men (male) with folk (people).

Is sunrise a noun?

Yes, the word 'sunrise' is a noun, a singular, common, compound, concrete noun; a word for the first appearance of the sun in the sky each morning; the appearance of the sky when the sun first appears in the morning.

Is the word building a compound word?

No It's not a compound word

What is the definition of the word veneer?

According to the Babylon toolbar, the word "veneer" has the following meanings : veneer v. cover with a thin layer of material that is superior to the material which it is covering (usually wood); give a superficially fine or pleasing appearance n. thin layer of material that is superior to the material which it is covering (usually wood); superficially fine or pleasing appearance

Is upward a compound word?

Upwards is a compound word.

How do you spell the compound word of does not?

The contraction (not a compound word) is doesn't.

What is the compound word in this sentence What is the compound word in this sentence?

There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband