This is a procedure where the abdominal region is punctured with a needle to collect fluid for testing.
No, abdominocentesis is the surgical puncture of the abdomen.
Abdominocentesis, also known as paracentesis, is a procedure to remove fluid from the abdominal cavity for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. It involves inserting a needle through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal space to collect fluid for analysis, which can help diagnose conditions such as ascites, infections, or malignancies. It is generally considered safe but may carry risks such as bleeding, infection, or damage to organs.
Fermentation is a medical term used to describe the chemical breakdown of a substance. For example, in the human body, bacteria and yeast will breakdown with sugars.
tinnit- (meaning ringing, buzzing, tinkling) -us (singular noun ending)
Lipolysis, ketogenesis, lipoclasis, and lipodieresis all refer to breakdown of fats.Fat oxidationhydrolysis......maybelipolysis
abdominal surgery
-lysis is the medical terminology suffix meaning breakdown.
Lacrimotomy is surgical incision of the tear gland or duct. The breakdown is lacromo- (tear) and -tomy (incision).