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Q: What is the abnormal dilation in the intestinal wall?
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What is a sac formed by dilation of a vessel wall in the cerebral artert called?

An aneurysm is a sac formed by abnormal dilation of a vessel wall. A cerebral aneurysm is one that forms in a cerebral artery.

What is lymphangiectasis?

Dilation of the intestinal lymphatic system.

What is the medical term meaning expansion of a blood vessel?

Dilation of a blood vessel is the term for physiologic widening of the vessel. Abnormal widening of the blood vessel through a weakening of the wall is known as aneurysm.Dilation of a blood vessel means widening of the vessel.

What is the medical term meaning ureter dilation?

The medical term for ureter dilation is hydroureter. This condition refers to the abnormal widening of the ureter, typically due to blockage or obstruction. Treatment may involve addressing the underlying cause to relieve the dilation.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal dilation of the esophagus?

The medical term for abnormal dilation of the esophagus is "esophageal dilatation" or "esophageal dilation." This condition can lead to difficulties swallowing and other complications. Treatment may involve medication, lifestyle changes, or surgical intervention.

What is the medical term meaning dilation of a bronchiole?

Bronchiectasis is the medical term for dilation of the bronchi. It is a chronic necrotizing infection of bronchi & bronchioles causing abnormal permanent dilation of these airways.Rationale: Dilation (-ectasis) of the bronchi (bronchi/o = bronchus).treakia i thinkbronchiectasis

What is the medical term meaning abnormal dilation of a vessel?

The medical term for abnormal dilation of a vessel is "aneurysm." Aneurysms can occur in arteries or veins and are classified based on their location and cause. They can be asymptomatic or present with symptoms such as pain or rupture.

What is an enlargement or dilation of blood vessel wall commonly referred to as ballooning?

An enlargement or dilation of blood vessel wall is called an aneurysm

An abnormal dilatation of a bronchial tube?

"bronchiectasis" - chronic dilation of a bronchus

What respiratory disease causes abnormal dilation of the alveolar space?


The respiratory disease that causes abnormal dilation of the alveolar space is?


What is the medical term meaning expanding and dilating the airways?

bronchiectasis is abnormal dilation of the airways; bronchodilation is therapeutic or natural dilation of the airways.