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Q: What is the abbreviation for examination?
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What word is exam short for?

Exam is an abbreviation of 'examination'.

What does the medical abbreviation BSE mean?

Breast Self Examination

What does the medical abbreviation CBE mean?

Clinical Breast Examination

What is the full name of the word exam?

Exam is an abbreviation of the word examination.

What is the medical abbreviation meaning physical?

If you're referring to a physical examination, PE; or H&P for history and physical.

Abbreviation for urinalysis?

URE, UA (urine routine examination), (Urine Analysis)

What is the abbreviation for investigation?

The abbreviation for investigation is "inv." It is commonly used in various contexts, such as police reports, research articles, and academic papers, to denote a detailed inquiry or examination into a particular matter. The abbreviation helps to streamline communication and save space in written documents.

What does the medical abbreviation PE mean?

Pulmonary Edema / Embolism or physical exam, depending on context.PE could stand for Pulmonary Embolism, Pre-Eclampsia, or Physical Examination.

What is the abbreviation for accountant?

The common abbreviation for accountant is "CPA," which stands for Certified Public Accountant. This designation is typically earned after passing the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and meeting additional state-specific requirements. CPAs are professionals who provide financial services such as auditing, tax preparation, and consulting.

What is the abbreviation for an associate's degree?

The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.

What ai abbreviation for abbreviation?

The abbreviation for abbreviation is "abbr."

FA FSc is stand for?

If FSc you are referring to is the intermediate then F Sc Faculty of science F A Faculty of Arts Please consult above abbreviation again because right one is F.A- First Examination of Arts F.Sc- First Examination of Science it only stands for faculty of science By Fayyaz Ali Khan Puarn