An abnormal forward protrusion of the eyeballs is called Exophthalmos or proptosis. Exophthalmos can occur with one or both eyes at the same time. A common cause of Exophthalmos is the autoimmune disease called Graves' Disease.
"Slug eyes"
Prognathia is the medical term meaning abnormal forward protrusion of the jaw.
Hiatal hernia
When the eyeball is not round, whether it be too long, or too short, it is called astigmatism.
Papilledema = swelling and protrusion of the blind spot of the eye caused by edemaPalpilledema
Meningocele is the medical term for a hernia of the covering of the brain and spinal cord. The suffix for hernia is -cele. Meningomyelocele is protrusion of the spinal cord and meninges.meningocele
Myocele is the protrusion of a muscle through its surrounding fascia. Another term for myocele is muscle hernia.
Proptosis and exophthalmos are the medical terms used to describe bulging eyes.
Nystagmograph is a medical term for an instrument that records the movements of the eyeball in nystagmus
Syncope is the medical term meaning fainting.
Anacusis is the medical term meaning complete deafness.
Celeoplasty or herniorrhaphy is surgical repair of a hernia.
Periocular refers to the area around the eye, whereas extraocular refers to structures or movements outside the eyeball itself.