There are three syllables in the word hyacinth. Hy-a-cinth.
The word hyacinth has three syllables divided like so: hy-a-cinth.
Three: HY-a-cynth.
Three: hy-a-cinth
The correct spelling for the flower is "hyacinth."
Hyacinth or Hyacinthus to give its Latin name comes from the Ancient Greek name given by Homer who said the flower sprang from the blood of the dead Hyakinthos.
Hyacinth Nier's birth name is Hyacinth Valdez.
Hyacinth has three syllables.
The English name for jalkumbhi is "Water hyacinth."
Hyacinth Nier is 5' 4".
Flora Hyacinth was born in 1966.
Hyacinth Bucket was created in 1990.