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A good weight for a 15year old girl who is 152cm tall all depends on their bone structure and muscle. for example if your big boned and very muscly of course you are going to weigh more than someone who is very petite An idea weight i would say is around 8st, little more, little less.

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It depends on your height.

Once you know that, you can Google "BMI calculator" and just punch in the numbers. :)

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Q: What is the BMI of a 15 year old that weighs 152?
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Depends on the height of the women. Take her height, and then her weight and plug it into a BMI chart.

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you have asked about over weight. over weight has nothing to do with age and sex. It is calculate using the body mass index(BMI). BMI = weight in kilograms/(height in meters.)2 And there are certain standard values for bmi. If your bmi exceeds it you are said to be over weight.

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FIFTY TWO? well idk how tall this nine-year-old is or if it's a girl or a boy but my brother is eight and he weighs 70 and my sister is nine and she weighs 72. but they are a little bit tall for their age...try looking up their BMI.

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not even close but it matters on your height and your bmi but really 100 pounds no your not unless you like 4 feet tall

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The healthy BMI for a 40 year old female weighing 150lbs is between 18.5 and 24.9.