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can you telll me whta menstruation means? izzyxx your period, you bleed. inwhich u are now able to have babies.

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Q: What is mentruation?
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Related questions

Can a woman get pregnant a day after her mentruation?

no no

What does it mean when a famale start to have a regular mentruation?

Means that if she has sex she can get pregnant.

What are the aspects of growth that happen to girls and boys during puberty?

boys,have grow body hair ,girls have a mentruation

What are the different aspects of growth that happen to boys and girls during puberty?

boys,have grow body hair ,girls have a mentruation

What are the 4 phases of Menstrual cycle?

The four phases of the mentrual cyle are the follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, and mentruation

Is it normal to a 13 year old to not have mentruation?

It is perfectly normal not to have your period at 13. If you reach 17 and still haven't had it, then you need to go and see a doctor

What does mentruation indicate about a girl?

Menstruation indicates that a girl's body has reached reproductive maturity and is capable of becoming pregnant. It is a normal part of the menstrual cycle, which prepares the body for potential pregnancy each month.

Is contraceptive devices stops mentruation?

There are birth control pills regimens designed to prevent bleeding for three months at a time or for as long as a year. But it's possible to prevent your period with continuous use of any birth pill.

Do lesbians get mentruation?

Yes, some lesbians menstruate. Others don't just like some straight women don't; they may have a medical condition that stops them form menstruating, or they may be highly athletic and not menstruate for that reason.

How long is the safe period after the mentruation?

There isn't one. Bodies aren't clockwork perfect, which makes "safe periods" notoriously unreliable, one out of five women using that ends up pregnant within one year.

Why does mentruation start during the age of puberty and not before it?

girls start about the age of 10 and boys start an 11 12 13 just depends Menstruation and puberty are inextricably links in females. The onset of the menses is also the onset of puberty.

When is your safe period if you have an irregular period?

As a means of contraception there is no time that is 100% safe especially with irregular cycles. As a general rule two weeks after mentruation is the most fertile time. But many things, such as stress, can throw this 'rule of thumb' out of order. This is the exact reason why this is a poor form of birth control.