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Madam is "Senhora" in portuguese language.

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Q: What is madam in Portuguese?
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How do you say Madam in Portuguese?

MadameSenhoraDonaSenhora ou Madame

How do you address Mr Mrs in Portuguese language?

Mrs in Portuguese is "Dona".Dona (Portuguese)na Portuguese title of address equivalent to Mrsor Madam: placed before a name to indicate respect

What does senora in Portuguese mean?

In Portuguese, "senhora" typically means "madam" or "lady" when referring to a woman. It is a term of respect used to address or refer to a woman in a polite manner.

In Spain and Portugal what would be the equivalent title of address to 'Madam'?

In Spanish, Madam translates to, 'Senora'. With a small accet over the N, to create the 'NY' sound. Eg: 'Senyora'. Portuguese is pretty much identical, but reads, 'Senhora'.

What is Mrs in Portuguese?

Mrs in Portuguese is "Dona".Dona (Portuguese) [ˈd#xf5;ːnə]na Portuguese title of address equivalent to Mrsor Madam: placed before a name to indicate respectIn Portuguese, the formal way of addressing a woman is the same for everyone, so that would be Senhora (Sr.ª, for short), either the lady in question is married or single.

How do you say 'Madam' in Portuguese?

Madame, but it isn't frequently used. 'Senhora" is an altenative for "madame" nowadays. "madame" is a french word, also used in Brazil, mainly during the 19th century.

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How do you pronounce madam in Korean?

마담 = madam

When was Call Me Madam?

Call Me Madam was created in 1950.

What is he masculine of madam?

The masculine equivalent of "madam" is "sir."

How you address a lady palindromes?

Madam, Ma'am