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The term "Gorilla rib" is used to describe a Lumbar rib. Most humans only have ribs bilaterally attached to their 12 thoracic vertebra but a number of variations exist with cervical ribs, lumbar ribs and even so called sacral ribs. Approximately 8% of humans have a extra rib attached to their lumbar vertebra which also occurs in some types of gorillas

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Q: What is gorilla rib in some humans?
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What is a gorilla rib?

A gorilla rib is a bone that is part of a gorilla's skeleton. It helps to protect the internal organs and provide structure and support for the gorilla's body. Gorilla ribs are large and strong, reflecting the physical power and size of these animals.

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How many people could survive a gorilla attack?

Gorillas behaves just like humans. They won't attack humans unless provoked. Some people could survive a gorilla attack.

What is the gorilla predators?

A mature Gorilla having silver hair is called silverbback gorilla .

What is the predator of a gorilla?

jaguar and the humans

Can Gorilla's and humans marry in the US?

No they can not.

What are the gorilla's predators?

Other then humans, nothing.

How are pigs compared to humans?

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Why are humans gorilla s biggest enemey?

Men shoot Gorillas , men destroy habitat of Gorilla .

What is body covering of a gorilla and How is the covering protect it?

The skin covering of a gorilla is dense fur. Though, they don't appreciate periods of cold rain and will seek some sort of shelter - which we humans will also do!

Does a gorilla have a predater?

Yes there of them a Jaguars, Cheetahs, and Humans.

What is the closest relatives of a mountain gorilla?

Chimps and Humans