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Q: What is code 2209 in hospital ER records?
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Er diagram for hospital management system?

An ER diagram is an entity-relationship diagram they show individuals and their links to each other. An ER diagram for a hospital management system would be a flow chart showing hospital staff, equipment, patients, records and more.

Which hospital is ER based at?

. Every hospital has ER.

When someone is having a code 99 in an ER hospital room what are they having?

They need cpr or they no longer have a paulse

What is cpt code for re-exam?

Depends on what kind of exam (doctor's office, observation in hospital, ER, etc)

Name of the hospital in er on NBC?

ER takes place int the emergency room of a fictional hospital named County General in Chicago, Illinois.

Where is the ER on a map or diagram of hospital?

The ER is located usually near the entrance to the hospital. It is one of the most accessible entrances and areas so that help can be readily available.

Example er diagram for hospital?

how to draw e-r diagram for hospital management system plz show the figure?

When you visit an er does the er give information about that visit to your doctor?

The ER will only give information about a visit if you give permission. Your dr may ask you to sign a release to get any records from the ER if it is important to your care.

What is the rough ER of Harry Potter?

The rough ER, if that's what your talking about, would probably be the Hospital Wing, taken care of by Madame Pomfrey.

What is the main difference between the cancer hospital and general hospital?

A cancer hospital deals with patients with cancer only. A general hospital deals with every thing( cancer , cardiovascular ,ER pediatrics etc...)

What to do when my baby fell from bed?

Take him/her 2 the doctor immediately or the ER in the nearest hospital.

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