Ross Malinger's birth name is Ross Aaron Malinger.
Sometimes it is easier to malinger than to do what you should be doing.
Malinger is a intransitive verb. Malinger means to pretend to be ill, especially in order to avoid work. It is to exaggerate health problems and symptoms, relating to physical and mental illnesses.
Tyler Cole Malinger was born on January 9, 1989, in California, USA.
Ross Malinger was born on July 7, 1984, in Redwood City, California, USA.
He decided to malinger at home claiming to be sick, but in reality, he just wanted to avoid going to work.
I can give you several sentences.He says he's really sick, but he has been known to malinger.The teacher says Sally is someone who will malinger if she can get away with it.It's not a good idea to malinger, because then you might really get sick and nobody would believe you.
The anagram of Charles Ingram is "Crash malinger."
Ross Malinger