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stinky, smelly, mean and bitter

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Q: What is a synonym for rotten?
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What is a synonym for rancid?

rotten, strong-smelling, repulsive, fetid, pungent

What's the synonym of putrid?

rotten stinking corrupt bad smelly

What is a synonym for beastly?

Animalistic. unpleasant, mean, awful, nasty, rotten, horrid, disagreeable

Synonym for dismal?

bad, awful, dreadful, rotten, terrible, poor, dire, abysmal, sad, gloomy, depressing, dark, bleak, dreary, sombre

What is a synonym for dismal?

bad, awful, dreadful, rotten, terrible, poor, dire, abysmal, sad, gloomy, depressing, dark, bleak, dreary, sombre

What is the synonym of rancid?

sour, stale, turned, rank, putrid, foul, rotten, bad, off; gamy, fetid, stinking, malodorous, foul-smelling

What is the antonym of synonym of abominable?

Synonyms of abominable: offensive, repulsive, wretched, awful, horrid, cursed, rotten Antonyms of abominable: lovable, appealing, likeable, alluring, desirable

What is a sentence using the word rotten?

It was a rotten way to end what had been a rotten day. The fruit was rotten. The word rotten can be used as an adjective or an adverb.

What is the adverb in I almost ate a rotten apple?

the adverb is rotten :D

How do you use rotten in a sentence?

It depends what you mean......... eg. 'the apple I found is rotten' or 'she is a rotten speller'

What is rotten egg?

An egg that has gone rotten.

What part of speech is rotten?

"Rotten" can function as both an adjective and a verb. As an adjective, it describes something that is decayed or spoiled. As a verb, it refers to the process of decaying or becoming spoiled.