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malnourished and severely under weight

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Q: What is a synonym for emaciated?
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Which synonym of thin has the most negative connotation?

Emaciated is a synonym of thin that carries the most negative connotation, suggesting extreme thinness often due to illness or malnutrition.

What is the synonym for starved?

The noun forms for the verb to starve are starvation and the gerund, starving.

What does emaciated?

Someone who is emaciated looks like they are starving to death. Emaciated means gaunt or extremely thin.

Use emaciated in a sentence?

she was so emaciated she could hardly stand

Tell you one sentence with the word emaciated?

Emaciated means very thin. The emaciated cows searched for something to eat in the bare field.

What is a sentence with emaciated?

"The boy's hunger showed most in his gaunt, emaciated face."

Use emaciated in sentence?

The cat became emaciated after she had not eaten for over two weeks.

What is under emaciated?

Emaciated means abnormally thin and there is no need to add the word under before it. An example sentence would be... He was under feed to the point of being emaciated.

Emaciated in a sentence?

The stray dog looked emaciated, with its ribcage clearly visible through its thin coat.

Can you use emaciated in a sentence?

After going a prolonged time without eating, James had become emaciated and gaunt.

Which of following words has a negative connotation A emaciated B thin C lean D slim?

A emaciated

What is the synonym of waste?

decay, desolation, destruction, devastation,dilapidation, dissipation, disuse, exhaustion,expenditure, extravagance, fritter, havoc,improvidence, lavishness, loss, lost opportunity,misapplication, misuse, overdoing, prodigality,ravage, ruin, squander, squandering,unthriftiness, wastage, wastefulness. Written by: Synonym MAN.