The word 'heart' has one syllable.
Heart mainly has one syllable. If you find that it has two, then you're putting too much stress on its pronunciation.
Since the word heart has only one syllable, the concept of an accented syllable does not apply. You can only accent a syllable by giving it a greater emphasis than some other syllable or syllables in the same word, which means that you have to have at least two syllables.
The word "coy" is one syllable.
Yes the word skull is a one syllable word.
The word bruised only has one syllable. This means the whole word is the syllable and so there are no syllable breaks.
Crumb is a one syllable word.
The word "gum" has one syllable.
The word "dread" has one syllable.
The word "past" has one syllable.
The word "strap" has one syllable.
no word it isn't possible because if you take away one syllable from a five syllable word you get a four syllable word and there is no such thing as a "no syllable word"