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You are at a good weight right now, but an average bmi for that height and gender would be 18.5 to 24. :)

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Q: What is a normal bmi for a 5'0 12yr old female 103lbs?
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What is the bmi for a 24 yr old female 5'4 weighing 113 pounds?

The BMI for a 5'4" person weighing 113 lbs is 19.4. This is considered a normal weight.

Is 200pound 5'6 12yr old boy overweight?

Unfortunately, yes. The healthy BMI index is 18.5 - 24.9, and being 5"6 and 200lbs gives you a BMI of 32.3 -- anything above 30 is considered obese.

Is 63kilogram normal for a 16year old female?

Use a BMI calculation as a starting point.

What is the normal weight for a 5'9 15 year old female?

Technically speaking, there is no "normal" weight. There is an optimal Body Mass Index for your height and weight. 18.5-24.9 is the healthy range for your BMI. Keep in mind that a BMI calculator is designed for those who have stopped growing and at 15 your body is still developing.

What is the BMI for a 15 year old girl that is 4 foot 11 and weighs 115 Is that normal?

According to BMI is 23.2, which is normal.

If you have a bmi of 20.5 do you need to lose weight?

No. 20.5 is on the underweight side of normal. A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.

Does a model who weighs 54 kilos and is 175cm tall have a healthy bmi?

For a female with 175cm height, a normal weight is 64kg. For a male with 175cm height, a normal weight is 67.5kg. A model who weights 54kg and is 175cm tall is underweight, so personally I don't think she/he has a healthy BMI.

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If you are a female and five foot tall and weigh 7 stone then your average BMI is 19.1.

What female celebrities have a BMI of 22.1?

prashanti singh indian national basketball player have a BMI of 22.1

What is the healthy BMI for a 40 year old female weighing 150lbs?

The healthy BMI for a 40 year old female weighing 150lbs is between 18.5 and 24.9.

What is your BMI if your height is 1m 60cm and you weigh 49kg?

This website can calculate BMI: as well as many others on the internet.According to that website, your BMI is 19.1, which is normal