Cute as a kitten.
Just need to know for Homework
The phrase went wrong somewhere, it was always, "cute as a bug in a rug" - meaning 'very comfortable' but someone in the 1940's corrupted it to what you've just said and it's now nonsensical. There's a similar saying, "As cute as a button" and "As cute as a bug's ear" but these
A metaphor for the word stength is tower of strength.
Metaphor is a noun.
He used a metaphor to desciribe the swaying trees.
Pilgrims in prayer
Metaphor has three syllables.
Yes, cute is an adjective, a word that describes a noun.Example:I have a cute girlfriend.
That question can only be answered by those that think it is a cute word. Whether the word is cute or not is defined by the individual.
A metaphor for the word "hostile" could be a stormy sea, representing turbulent and threatening conditions.
No. One word does not make a metaphor. "Bob is groaning" would be the closest you could get, but that is a statement, not a metaphor.