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Pleasantly plump.

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Q: What is a euphemism for a fat person?
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What is a euphemism for the word fat?

Ah, a euphemism is like a gentle way of saying something that might be sensitive to some folks. Instead of saying "fat," you could use words like "curvy," "plump," or "full-figured." Remember, it's important to use words that make everyone feel good about themselves.

What is an euphemism for talking?

An euphemism for talking could be "communicating" or "having a conversation."

What is the euphemism for hobo?

The euphemism for hobo is "homeless person" or "street person."

Examples of euphemistic words?

A euphemism for fat is "pleasingly plump". A euphemism for feeling sick is feeling "under the weather". A euphemism for being fired is being "laid off".

What is the euphemism of thief?

A common euphemism for "thief" is "a person of sticky fingers."

What does stocky built mean?

Stocky - Another euphemism or nice way of saying that a person is "large". This word does not, however, necessarily mean "fat." A stocky person is large, but his stockiness could be the result of a big frame on a big-boned body.

What is a euphemism for old man?

The common euphemism for old person is "senior citizen". The word elderly is often used in context, as is mature.

What the euphemism words for black person?

Euphemisms for a black person include: a "person of color" an "African American" an "American of African decent"

What is a euphemism for fat?

Chubby is more mitigated, implying less fat. Plump may be taken badly, but generally confers slight fatness with good bodily proportion.

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What is a euphemism for helper?

euphemism for helper