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Q: What is a 5mm contrast enhancing and dural base lesion seen lateral to the right frontal lobe?
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What does a non enhancing mass mean?

A non-enhancing mass typically refers to a lesion or abnormal tissue growth that does not show increased contrast uptake on imaging studies like MRI or CT scans. This can indicate a benign or stable condition, but further evaluation and monitoring may be needed to confirm the nature of the mass.

What clinically detectable sign accompanies unilateral upper motor neurons lesion of the lateral corticospinal tracts?

Spasticity is a common clinically detectable sign that accompanies a unilateral upper motor neuron lesion of the lateral corticospinal tracts. This can manifest as increased muscle tone, brisk reflexes, and exaggerated muscle contractions in response to certain stimuli.

What is a hypodense lesion within the lateral left posterior fossa in brain?

A hypodense lesion within the lateral left posterior fossa in the brain indicates an area that appears darker on imaging studies like CT scans, suggesting lower density compared to surrounding tissue. This finding may be due to various underlying causes such as a tumor, cyst, abscess, or hemorrhage, and further evaluation is often needed to determine the exact nature and significance of the lesion.

What is a enhancing lesion on a liver CT?

There are several phases to a liver CT, or any CT. I am not a physician, but I just read up on the stages of a CT (with the IV dye contrast).There is the Arterial Phase, the Venous Phase, and several others in the CT, which takes about 35 seconds on average to perform once on the scanner.Most of the enhancing lesions ARE benign, but don't quote me.Please, someone with medical knowledge help this person.You can find a good article on

What side of the brain is affected by a lesion?

The side of the brain affected by a lesion depends on the location of the lesion. Generally, a lesion on the right side of the brain can affect spatial awareness, facial recognition, and emotional processing, while a lesion on the left side can impact language abilities and cognitive functions like reasoning and math.

What is an underlying enhancing lesion or metastatic disease pertaining to a mri of the brain?

A MRI of the brain is used to find these conditions. You will not know the underlying issue until the procedure is completed and reviewed.

Describe how the brain uses cues from the environment to form conclusions?

The frontal lobe is most heavily involved in processing cues and information in a way that rational decisions can be made. With frontal lobe lesions, rational decision making is often significantly impaired (especially the more severe the lesion or deficit).

What is the of meaning ill defined hypodense appearance?

Lesion appears to be ill defined and slightly hypodense on the non contrast and shows bright enhancement on the arterial phase scan

Which lesion in a coronary artery do physicians normally consider higher risk proximal lesion or distal lesion?

Proximal lesion

Is a lesion like a tumor?

A lesion on the brain is just an injury or a disease. Some lesions are harmless or life threatening. I have a brain tumor(lesion) on the frontal lobe of my brain, its the size of a pea. If it grows I'll need surgery to remove it. A tumor is a disease on the brain which may cause some type of cancer. These tumors that cause cancer are life threatening to people. People that have leukimia (cancer) sometimes have problems with their blood. Sometimes people can help it but they cough up blood from the cancer that they have. Hope this helped!

Are liver hemangiomas hypodense or hyperdense?

they are hypodense typically though can have a varied appearance. They can be diagnosed definitvely with a contrast enhacned CT or MR due to a characteristic enhancement pattern. They are a benign lesion.

Is a lesion a pathological site?

A 'lesion' is anything or any site of the body that is not normal.Yes, a lesion is a pathological site.