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C'est beau la vie! in French means "Life is beautiful!" in English.

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Q: What is 'C'est beau la vie' when translated from French to English?
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"Father-in-law" and "stepfather" are English equivalents of the French word beau-père. Context makes clear which translation of the masculine singular noun suits. The pronunciation will be "bo-pehr" in French.

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"The handsome father" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase le beau père. The masculine singular phrase may be confused with le beau-père, whose translation is "the brother-in-law" or "the stepbrother" in English. The pronunciation will be "luh bo pehr" in French.

What is 'le beau-père' when translated from French to English?

"The brother-in-law" or "the stepbrother" is an English equivalent of the French phrase le beau-père. Context makes clear which translation of the masculine singular phrase suits. The pronunciation will be "luh bo-pehr" in French.

What is 'beau' when translated from French to English?

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Moi beau French to English?

Moi beau = Me beautiful

What does the french word beau mean in english?

beau is a (masculine) adjective meaning beautiful in French.

What is 'Quand il fait beau je joue au tennis' when translated from French to English?

It means "when the weather is fine, I play tennis".

What is 'handsome' when translated from English to French?

Beau and beaux are French equivalents of the English word "handsome." Context makes clear whether the audience is of one (case 1) or of two or more (example 2). The pronunciation will be "bo" in French.

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