le belle femme = the beautiful woman
the beautiful ironworkers
The beautiful province
In French, 'Rue de la belle etoile' can be translated in English to:'The beautiful star street'
"You have a nice chest!" in English is Vous avez une belle poitrine! in French.
"Beautiful campaign" and "beautiful countryside" are two possible English equivalents of the French phrase belle campagne. Whatever the meaning, the pronunciation will be "bel kam-pan" in French.
Je t'aime, belle! Bonne nuit, mon bébé! in French is "Love you, beautiful! Goodnight, baby!" in English.
"Beautiful and good' is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase belle et bonne. The pronunciation of the feminine singular conjunction-connected adjectives will be "beh-ley buhn" in French.
Qui pourrait oublier une si belle créature? in French means ""Who could forget such a beautiful creature?" in English.
"Beautiful soul" is one English equivalent of the French phrase belle âme.Specifically, the feminine adjective belle means "beautiful, handsome." The feminine noun âme translates literally as "heart and soul, soul, spirit." The pronunciation will be "behl-lahm" in French.
"You are beautiful. I am hugging you, my sweet."