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Q: What happens to Medusa at the end of the story?
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Related questions

Is the Medusa story a true Greek story?

No, Medusa is from Greek mythology.

What happen at the end of a story?

The simple answer is that you must read the story first because it will tell you what happens in the end. That is what a story is for.

Is Medusa a real story?


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He died at the end

What story is Medusa from?

Medusa is the monster slain by Perseus, the oldest of the Greek heroes.

Who invented the story of Medusa?

the Greeks

What happens to Jonas and Gabe at the end of the story in The Giver book?

At the end of the story Jonas and Gabe reach elsewhere

What happens at the end of the European Cinderella story?

She died

What is this is how a problem is solved or what happens at the end of a story?

The process of problem-solving typically involves identifying the issue, analyzing the root cause, generating potential solutions, evaluating those solutions, and implementing the most effective one. At the end of a story, the resolution occurs, where loose ends are tied up, conflicts are resolved, and the outcome of the narrative is revealed. This resolution often provides closure for the characters and the audience, bringing the story to a satisfying conclusion.

What motivates the hero Medusa in the story of Perseus?

Medusa was not a hero- her actions were motivated by the fact that she was a monster.

What is the story of peseus?

The story is about him and his mother, he is trying to get the gorgan's head, medusa.

Who is the character of the story Medusa and Athena?

If you're talking about Perseus and the Gorgon's head, than it's Perseus. If you're talking about the story about who Medusa got her snake hair, then it's just Poseidon, Medusa and Athena.