Since some nursing home residents are not ambulatory, wheelchairs are available.
The root word in "ambulatory" is "ambulare," which means "to walk" in Latin.
It means they are able to walk on their own, but with a limp. Non- ambulatory would mean they have to be moved by stretcher, etc.
After his surgery, the patient was cleared to stay in the ambulatory care unit since he was able to walk around freely.
annoying, ambulatory, adorable
Ambulatory Surgical Center
Ambulatory is an adjective.
The root word "ambul" means "walk" or "move." It is derived from the Latin word "ambulare," which means "to walk." This root word is commonly found in words related to movement or transportation, such as ambulance or ambulatory.
Amb typically stands for ambulate (walk) or ambulatory
There are two meanings for the word ambulatory. The most common definition is capable of, or relating to walking; not bedridden; able to rise and walk or move around. A second meaning is a place where people can walk, such as a covered passage or procession around a church.
medical facilities that specialize in elective same-day or outpatient surgical procedures. They do not offer emergency care. The word ambulatory comes from the Latin verb ambulare, which means "to walk
An ambulatory is a round walkway encircling the altar of many cathedrals.