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In medication terminology, it often means "urinate."

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Q: What does the term void mean?
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What does null and void mean?

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Does void mean to vomit?

The term void is normally used to indicate a voiding of the bladder (peeing) or voiding of the bowels (poohing). It is not normally used to indicate a voiding of the stomach, this is called vomiting.

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Cancel. Repeal. Make void.

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void basically signifies that the method will not have a return value.

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What does the term 'The entire game is void' mean?

The game does not count towards either side's win-loss record. It's as if it hadn't been played at all.

Does do not urinate mean do not void?

It means do not pee.

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Before:static fun (void) {...}After:static fun (void); /* moved here */....static fun (void) {...}

What's The difference between VOID and void?

In programming, "void" is a keyword used to indicate that a function does not return any value. "VOID" is a term generally used to describe something empty, null, or without substance.

The term urinate and void are the same thing true or false?

When you urinate, you void your bladder, so they are the same. Void means "empty" or "to emptly" in medical terminology..ANSWERto void something means it is non existent, to empty your bladder just means that you are emptying it of urine but it isn't void of urine as the bladder remains with moisture in it and is still a bladder. To void is to make it extinguished from reality, and is not the same. So the answer is "false"Clarification:Medical professionals use the term "void" when referring to the emptying of the bladder. The first answer is correct - they are they same when referring to urination. So the answer in reference to the question is "true".Webster's definition of ''void'' is 1. not legally binding, invalid; 2. having no contents, empty."