The prefix "hypo-" means below, beneath, or deficient, often used to indicate a lower quantity or intensity.
The prefix meso in the word mesosphere means middle. The mesosphere is actually the atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and thermosphere.
There is actually no pefix for banana, sorry.
The prefix "ir" typically means "not" or "opposite of" in English. It is used to create words that have a negative or opposite meaning to the base word.
The prefix that can be added to "please" is "dis-" to form "displease".
Is Michael Jordan the biggest megastar ever to play professional basketball? He's sure to make megabucks if he lands the job with Microsoft. The movies "Avatar" and "Titanic" were both megahits for James Cameron.
you mean what you mean
The familiar "kilo" pefix (Kilometer, kilogram) is one thousand or 103 times bigger than the base measurement. The system has prefixes going up to "yotta" or 1024 (1 followed by 24 zeros) times the base measurement The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.98 × 1024 kg or 5,980.0 yottagrams (5,980 Yg)
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.