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p.c. is an abbreviation meaning "after meals"

DC can mean either "direct current, or Doctor of Chiropractic

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Q: What does the medical abbreviation PC DC mean?
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What does the medical abbreviation pcpo mean?

Usually it's written "po pc," which means "by mouth after meals."

What is the medical term meaning take with food?

The medical abbreviation meaning take with food is pc.

What is the medical abbreviation meaning after meals?

CIB is the abbreviation of the latin for cibus meaning food AC (ante cibum) is used in this context to denote "Before Meals" PC (post cibum) is used to denote a time "After Meals"

What does the medical abbreviation BDPC dosage mean?

It means Twice daily after meal. BD originated from Latin 'Bis die' PC originated from 'Post cibum' AC originated from 'Ante cibum'

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It's a medical abbreviation for: dispense 12 ounces, take 15-30 ml. after meals as needed for heartburn.

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What does PC for PC mean?

Picture Comment for Picture Comment. On Myspace, it means that if you leave them a comment, they'll leave you one.

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What does the abbreviation PC stand for?

Personal Computer.

What does the medical abbreviation GP PC mean?

General PractitionerA doctor who is a GP is a General Practitioner meaning he or she covers a full range of medical care but may send you to a specialist for more specific treatment.general practitioner

What is the abbreviation most often to describe personal computers?

Computer is neither an abbreviation, acronym, nor initialism. Computer is a simple noun, meaning a person or machine that computes.PC (Personal Computer).