Depending on context, CT may mean chest tube, cardiothoracic, or computed tomography.
CT is also used for Copper 'T' as a very effective method in contraception. The Intrauterine device Copper T is inserted high in the uterus and may stay there effective for 10 years even (preventing from concieving). In practice, though, Copper T is more often abbreviated at CuT.
Still Compeuterized Tomography is the answer of first choice (more popular term)
If it is CT et al, it means CT and others. This is a Latin abbreviation.
CT is often used as the abbreviation for Chlamydia trachomatis, the bacteria that causes chlamydia.
Here is a link which shows possible answers:
no medical term with fldr abbreviation
The abbreviation for calcitonin is CT.
The medical abbreviation NFP means natural family planning.
HTN is the medical abbreviation meaning hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Inj. abbreviation means: injection
Abbreviation for right sacroposterior position
Standing Medical Orders
medical ex
In medical terms, the abbreviation "resp" stands for respirations or respiratory, depending on the context.