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It means that if you do not follow the instructions, medication or dietary restrictions, the disease will recur i.e. it will come back again

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Q: What does the doctor say is the one thing that could bring another relapse and what does he mean by this?
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What does the doctor say is the one thing that could bring on another relapse?

STRESS. most substance abuse and mental health relapses are triggered by stress. stress triggers brain chemicals that then trigger other reactions in the body. the person then craves balance and things doing what they did before will help them feel better.. stress is a killer.

Why do addicts relapse?

Addicts relapse for many reasons. It could be because they are angry, hurt or sad.

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Although the beer does not have the alcohol that could trigger you a physical relapse, you have conditioned the taste of beer to be associated with alcohol. So could drinking it leave you at risk for a relapse? Perhaps. Will it cause you to go through detox? No.

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You could use "Once a doctor and a soldier, ...." or "Previously a doctor and a soldier, ...."

Is there another name for doctor?

Another common term for a doctor is a physician. Or you could name them by the particular specialty they are in. For instance, a cardiologist is a doctor that specializes in the heart, a pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in children, etc.

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You should always consult a doctor for the latest advancements in medications. No one but your doctor can prescribe what is right for you. Be sure to bring notes with you when you make your doctor's appointment.

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Have your doctor do another quantitative hCG - but if you haven't had another period it sounds like you could be pregnant.

Could you have cancer and your doctor does not tell me?

If you do not feel comfortable with your doctor, you should get another one. It is possible that he could be keeping secrets from you, and you should go with your natural instincts

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You could let him play a lot, or when he goes on he can bring his pet(s) to the doctor.

Could there be another doctor who after the thirteenth incarnation?

yeah why not it's such a famous show that maybe oneday you could be working on it.

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The best way to bring down swelling in your mouth is to see a doctor to determine the cause and treatment. If left untreated, it could lead to breathing problems.

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I think the decrease in the comunity could bring another great depression.So no Your not safe from another great deppression.