Lividity - album - was created on 2009-09-15.
a coroner (doctor who examines dead people)
validity, lividity,liquidity,illiquditycupidityValidity
Effectively, yes. Post mortem means after death. A post mortem examination is the same thing as an autopsy. Post mortem lividity is lividity which occurs after death.
No, CPR should not be performed when signs of rigor mortis or lividity are present as they are indicators of post-mortem changes and cannot be reversed through CPR. It is important to confirm death before starting or continuing resuscitation efforts.
Lividity is the pooling of blood in the lowest parts of the body after death, causing a reddish-purple discoloration of the skin. This occurs due to gravity and a lack of circulation. Lividity can help forensic investigators determine the position of the body after death.
Lividity or Livor Mortis
This is known as lividity, or livor mortis.
First, Lividity is a Pornogrind band from Illinois. 2nd,1.furious: very angry2.with bluish bruised color: bluish or discolored as a result of bruising3.ashen: very pale, especially unnaturally so4.grayish: tinged with gray
Blood settles and skin goes purple
peterbed,lividity,furious ^peverted