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It means North

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Q: What does the Chinese word 'bei' mean in English?
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The Luhya word for the English word price is "bei."

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word price?

The Kikuyu word for the English word price is bei.

What is the Chinese character for the word 'Beijing'?

'Beijing' in Chinese pinyin is 'bei jing'. In Chinese characters it is '北京'.

What does bao bei mean?

It means baby in Chinese language you chunk.

What is the English translation of the German word bei?

"bei" as a preposition means "for", "on", "by", "during", "near", "upon", "in", "next to", "beside", "with" or "at" "Bei-" as a prefix can also mean accessory, e.g. "Beilage" means "supplement (to a newspaper)" or "side dish (to a meal)."

How do you say scallop in Chinese?

the word scallop is pronounced shan bei , 扇贝

What is the Chinese word for the word Beijing?

The Chinese characters for Beijing is 北京, which means North Capital. and it is pronounced bei with the first tone and jing with the second tone.

What's 'i was tricked' in Chinese?

Chinese characters 我被骗了。Chinese phoenix Wo Bei Pian Le.Chinese prounciation W-oh Bei(as the Bei in Beijing) P-yi-ann Le (as in the le in learning)

What does bei mir mean in English?

That depends on the context. "Bleib bei mir" means stay with me, whereas "Ich habe eine Party bei mir" means I`m having a party at my place. So it can either mean "with me" or "at my place".

What does melde dich bei mir mean in English?

It means contact me or give me a shout.

What does hallo alles klar bei dir mean in English?

"hello is everything clear to you/is everything cool with you?"

What is the Business English Index or BEI?

Business English Index or BEI is an index that measures business English proficiency in the workplace.