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To add strength to something, such adding support beams to a wall to strengthen it from falling down. Or to go to a gym and exercise to make the body stronger than what it presently is.

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Q: What does strenghtens means?
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What does strengthen means?

The word strenghtens means: Strength means like tough but if it is strengthENS that means getting stronger

What strengthen mean?

The word strenghtens means: Strength means like tough but if it is strengthENS that means getting stronger

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Good diet and exercise

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because it helps you belive or strenghtens ur opinion on Religious events or Religion it's self

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Calcium mainly strenghtens bones, helps muscular contraction, transmitting signals through nerves, blood coagulation.

What is the function of the major mineral calcium?

Calcium mainly strenghtens bones, helps muscular contraction, transmitting signals through nerves, blood coagulation.

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milk and milk product are good for the elderly as they contain high levels of calcium which is a mineral that the body loses as it ages. calcium strenghtens bones making them less prone to breakage

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Holls, ditch the expensive stuff...Sleek and Shine is really good

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Jury nullification gives the People direct control of the law by deliberately and knowingly rejecting evidence, not applying the law or rejecting the law because they believe the law is unjust and it doesn't equate with their sense of morality or fairness; it's a way for the jury to send a message about some larger social issue, or protest the result dictated by the law if it were applied.

Iam going to tryout for a middle school dance team should i have pointed ballet shoes with out lessons?

you should never go on pointe not knowing how to use them. When you do ballet lessons it strenghtens your ankles so if you have never had a dance lesson DON'T go on pointe as there is a risk of injuryalso you have to make sure to get them fitted properly and have the right protection. so my advice is not to have pointe shoes unless you have ballet lessons and yourteacher has said you can.

Is valentine haraam in Islam?

There is no question of Hala or Haram in the case of Valentine. Anyhow, the Muslims should avoid celebration of such events as have no base in Islam. Adopting the culture of Christians is not appreciated in Islam. Islam teaches chastity and purity. Any action that is against morality, chastity and purity is not liked by Almighty Allah. Any action that favours/strenghtens morality, chastity and purity among the Jews or the Christians is Islamic in nature. I am sure you know that Valentine does not promote chastity.